Monday, June 6, 2011

DS Najib please read this article before you marry-off your daughter

This article dated 25/5/2011 talks about Daniyar Nazarbayev who by law is a family of Kazakstan President. Apparently Nooryana is in a relationship with him and reportedly they are getting married.

Wish that DS Najib and his family has done the necessary due diligence before accepting this dubious character (and his mother). If Ds Najib and family dah setuju untuk terima menantu Kazakhstan, I wish the report is not true.

You can read the full article at or click HERE.

After receiving their $200,000 the Ivy Success consultants for some reason lost interest in the young man and stopped loving him for this money, declaring that he is not ready for the Ivy League universities. They, however, did not return the money, which led to a lawsuit. Those days the American press mocked comparing cini-nutcase from Kazakhstan "Borat" and very real Kazakhs, Daniyar and his mother Mayra Nazarbayeva, who made a bad shot in a such an easy case. However, Daniyar is a stubborn kid and managed to enroll into an Ivy League Columbia University and will be graduating within the next few days.

And this is where the fun begins because Daniyar Nazarbayev is not Nazarbayev, and his documents proving his secondary education that were the basis for enrolling into the university – excuse me for bad manners – are pure crap. Having said that, his mother Mayra also doesn't have such a sounding last name and with whom the Kazakh law enforcement agencies would love to talk to due to her wide range of life adventures every now and then being in conflict with the Kazakh laws. Generally speaking, cine Kazakh Borat is out of competition...

Let's begin with Daniyar. By the time he was admitted to the Columbia University, he had two school diplomas – Diploma from Leysin American School (Switzerland), issued in 2005, which did not give him the right to attend an institution of higher education as it was incomplete, and a High School Diploma, issued in the same 2005 by the high school (gymnasium) in a small town Talgar in Almaty District in Kazakhstan. Don't ask me how it is possible to simultaneously study in Switzerland and Kazakhstan – I don't know. Ask Daniyar – he is a step away from receiving his bachelor's degree and perhaps he could disperse the doubts.

All this really sounds as a scam since the administration of that very Kazakh school does not know anything about its graduate with a royal last name, and the Swiss have confirmed that Daniyar's diploma is incomplete. I'm not sure how it is in Switzerland, but within the former Soviet territories it was possible to buy for fifty bucks during those times a completely legitimate blank of any document proving the graduation – from vocational schools to MSU. And for an extra bribe, with a "real-live" seals and entering into appropriate registration books of such academic institutions.

So the famous Columbia University should think twice before issuing Daniyar a Bachelor's degree: what if the graduate is indeed ... with higher education, but without secondary one... Columbians got fooled, apparently... Not good... Not prestigious... Borat is out of competition...

When it comes to the last name of nearly bachelor, nothing is so smooth either. As is reported by the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan, this last name was taken away by the decision of the appropriate agencies, as it was illegally acquired, and all the documents, including passport, were disowned back in February 2010. It turns out since that date he is present in the USA with illegal documents.

Daniyar can thank his mother, born Mayra Kurmangaliyeva, for his last name and all the transformations in this regard. It was she who lured Bolat Nazarbayev into her net – a real relative (who is said to be the sibling) of the Kazakh President – and married him, in a hurry forgetting to divorce her previous husband D. Kesikbayev, whose last name Daniyar had before receiving his second birth certificate with the last name Nazarbayev. There are legends in Kazakhstan about this lady with regards to her resourcefulness, non-fastidiousness and indifference to laws.

Dude by name Daniyar and with a strange last name, appears to be no less pacey than his mother when it comes to matrimonial matters. There are rumors that he charmed Nooryana Najwa, the daughter of Prime-Minister of Malaysia, and about to marry her. Why not? Prominent guy, full of dough, with the last name that takes the breath away... However, if I were Malaysian dad I'd check just in case: was Daniyar married when he was younger. Apple from an apple tree, as you know... and Alma-Ata after all is the city of apples and apple trees.

Though, let's let the Kazakhs and Malaysians deal with this themselves.

I, however, have a set of questions to our American governmental officials.

How did it happen that whoever can purchase very expensive housing in USA without proper financial document check? How can a foreigner, whose documents were disavowed in his own country, continue to quietly live in the US?

Finally, how did it happen that a person with shady secondary education documents reached graduation from one of the most prestigious universities of the country?

Leonid Komarovskiy

"Reporter", New York


Anonymous said...

Alamakkkkk...dah trlambat DnS dah terima tu camna tu

Ribut Senja

Against The Wind said...

Kalau dah terima maknanya siasatan terperinci telah di buat keatas latarbelakang bakal menantu lah.. kita hanya boleh doa yang terbaik

Anonymous said...

Sesetengah kita terlalu BANGGA HATI bila bermenentukan bangsa Barat atau Seliberiti. Jiwa dijajah tiada jatidiri. Melekeh produk tempatan. Tidak patriotik! Sebab tu aku tak confident pemimpin berjiwa dijajah membela Melayu.............

Anonymous said...

Trend nasib yg menyusahkan mak bapak yg kadi PM Malaysia berterusan.. Zaman Tun..sianaknya... Pak Dolah...anak dan menantunya sekali... DS Najib...nampak nampak tak terlepas dgn kerabat membawa puaka... kesian ..saja lah.. amak amak tak paham ..tau nak baham saja...

Anonymous said...

menyusahkan hidup rakyat..enjoyin our tax payers punye duit..TIADA DOA UNTUK MU... TOLONG PULAN BALIK DUIT TAX PAYER KITE OK

Anonymous said...

old practise is better still, merisik