Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ibrahim Ali ajak perang Salib. HIshamudin kata no hal bukan semua orang suka IA

“Kalau nak perang salib boleh. Kalau kata keamanan yang kita 
ada tak memadai dan kemahuan tak mencukupi, kita akan
sambut…Jangan ingat orang Melayu Islam diam kerana takut.

“Sebelum pengikut tewas di medan peperangan, ketua (PERKASA) dulu akan mati di hadapan bergelimpangan dengan 
darah,” katanya disambut tepukan kira-kira 150 hadirin.

I dont think so lah Tok Him.

IA is out of date with reality. In a democratic society people don't kill each other because of different in opinion.  If the malay  choose to support DAP (read PR) and in the near future we have a Christian PM so be it.   If IA have enough support and become PM as an independence so be it.  Likewise if UMNO (read BN) shall win again in PRU13 so be it.

Nampak nya Menteri KDN dah tersepit dalam hal ni.

Itulah lain kali tackle awal awal kes macam ni supaya tak merebak kan dah susah semua.

Tok Him ckp macam ni apa nak menteri KDN nak buat? ni dah kira masuk bab ajak perang ..dah masuk bab hasutan ka dak?

Hishamudin hanya mampu berkata bukan semua orang melayu suka Ibrahim Ali, mengandaikan bahawa laungan perang itu tidak ada sambutan.

Apa pula akan berlaku kalau pihak Kristian atau cina menyahut dengan laungan perang yang sama? 

You are in deep shit Menteri KDN!


leekonyou said...

jantong baru talian hayat pon baru Pok Him

zsk69 said...

Sham kata Tok Him tak wakili semua Melayu. Memang betul bukan semua, tapi MAJORITY MEALYU SOKONG TOK HIM.

Si Sham pula mewakili siapa? Melayu TAK SOKONG LANGSUNG si SHAM nie. MENYAMPAH ADALAH.

Burung Merbok said...

1. To me, what IA is trying to insinuate is to hammer in the message, " Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned".

2. Far too often, for reasons even the simplest of fools can read, deregotary even to the extent of being insensitive and racial -in nature, certain groups have been getting away with actions that should have been punished. They always say, " Nip it in the bud" BUT this is one thing the authorities seem to shy away from.

3. We have Laws and Acts, including the ISA, for the authorities to use and enforce. I guess the anti-ISA groups would surely plague the issue even further ; just to be safe in their pursuit of making deregatory, racially-slurred and insensitive remarks without fear of being arrested !

4. If IA or other IAs appear to be retaliatory, then blame NOT them entirely, but those that started it all , conveniently hiding behind the veil of political blackmailimng !!!! If IA appears to be challending, then we should also accept the fact that he has been thrown the gauntlet and has bravely responded to the challenge.

5. Granted, that there will be similar retaliations by other affected groups. Anf if all sense of reasons and civility are thrown to the dogs , then certainly all Hell will break loose; and who suffers ? And So, what's the lesson here ? May I suggest that we don't get greedy and demand for things that we aren't entitled for. Respect the rights of others, as enshrined in the Constitution. Everyone of us is safe-guarded , via the Constitution. It's only when we try to question the rights of others (again as in the Constitution) just to appear heroic in the eyes of our own clan, then that's where trouble will begin. We say we endear ourselves to harmonious living, cherishing political stability etc, etc; BUT when we become selfish, greedy as political bigots, very selfish and never appear to be thankful for what we have been given and provided for, then we act as if everyone else can go to blazes while we continue to reap all the riches in the country. And suddenly economic power is now NOT enough . There has to be more cause we are greedy and very selfish !

6. And surely we too must accept the fact that there'll be retaliation. Nobody on earth would give in without a fight, especially if it is about the preservation , survival and dignity of one's own race or creed. If three years ago there was no voice of dissent and no groups brave enough to retaliate , then things have changed. There are now people, ordinary citizens, who have read the game and know what each group or political party is up to. They know who the traitors are ; they can identify the true Malysians from the false ; they have proof of those who do not have the interest of the nation at heart. So if there appear to be more IAs coming out in the open, just fighting for their rights as enshrined in the Constitution while at the same time NEVER chiding others of theirs, then don't you think it is a natural process to accept the challenge when thrown the gauntlet ???

Against The Wind said...

Burung Merbok you hit the jackpot. IA is just an example to what will happen if we don't govern well in this multi-ethnic multi religious society.

There are various laws in KDN disposal that can be used to curtail direct attack on our constitution as per Penang pastors issue.

Amazingly we refused to use the law and we let this issue play it out on its natural course.

I bet you the end is ugly if KDN refuse to act soon.