Sunday, May 15, 2011

DAP hanya perlu 60 kerusi Parlimen untuk tubuh negara Kristian

We have seen in the past week how PAS and PKR vehemently denies creation of a Christian country by DAP on the ground that the most DAP can win in Parliament only about 60 seats.

But are PAS and PKR forgetting something?

I have said this before in my previous posting, PR can rule MALAYSIA if DAP won 60 MP seats in chinese majority area ( 50% lebih china ada 57 seats), PAS 30 seats and PKR 30 seats.

Now lets hope that will not happen. Why? because if that happen we will have a chinese PM and a Christian for sure.

As we have seen before in by elections and in Sarawak, it is highly likely that the chinese will "bersatu" and vote for DAP in PRU13.  Yes MCA and Gerakan can close shop. Why? because deep down MCA and Gerakan are happy that finally the chinese "bersatu" under DAP.

 MCA and Gerakan has always been second class citizen in BN, as such support for the DAP as a whole will be the way for MCA and Gerakan to get back at BN for not listening to their grouses all this while.

Ok folks..222 MP seats, PR get 120 seats (DAP60 PAS30 PKR30). PR get the right to form the next government.  (ni semua KALAU scenario ok) .  Who do you think will be the Prime Minister? ? ?

A : Anwar Ibrahim
B : Hj Hadi Awang
C : Lim Kit Siang

Commons sense will come to the conclusion that DAP will claim the PM seat. Why? because they have the most MP seats plus in PKR there will be at least 5 MP who are not Melayu.

SO there you go the answer will be C : Lim Kit Siang by virtue of DAP having the most seats among PR parties, and by virtue there are more non MALAY MP in PR

So you folks think that will not happen if PR win PRU13? SOme of will still believe that ANwar will be PM?
Dream on that will never happen. Even if it does. Anwar will be a puppet PM for DAP just like Nizar was in Perak with DAP as the puppet master.

If that happens, good luck to my belove agama Islam and bangsa Melayu.

All policy in favour of Bumiputera as listed below will be abolish:
1. MARA will be turn into MACA
2. PNB will no longer be investing arm for bumi
3. FELDA will be distrubuted to all including chinese
4. Education subsidies will be gone. You will see 90% of IPTA seats will go to chinese base on meritocracy
5. Masjid dan Surau pastikan Azan hanya dengan internal speakers.
6.No more  bumi discount for new houses.
7. No more bumi quoto for housing estate.
8. More churches will be built in the new housing estate instead of surau and masjid.
9.. and the list goes on...

Anda tidak percaya ini akan berlaku?

 Coba coba lah mengundi PR pada PRU13 kalau anda mahu melihat scenario di atas.

Ini bukan nak menakut nakut kan orang melayu, ini cuma mahu mengingatkan jangan kita menang sorak tapi kampung kita habis tergadai pada DAP.

Ingat lah firman Allah :

Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut agama mereka (yang telah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah (agama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar". Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu. (Al-Baqarah 2:120) |

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